Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Why Warm Buddy heat packs are the best for you

 Warm Buddy heating Pads

We are often asked why Warm Buddy products are superior than other heat products, below is  a chart that explains why. 

Why Warm Buddy heat packs & heat wraps are superior for pain & stress relief
Drug Free(dom) Warm Buddy Gel Packs Flax Seed Hot water bottle Electric heat pad Oat grain
Heat Retention Best Too hot Poor Poor Good Poor
After smell None None yes None None yes
Moist heat yes None None None None None
Scalding No Yes No Yes Yes No
Electro magnetic field (EMF) No No No No yes No
Washable yes No No Yes No No
Caution! None Stiff & hard to mould to body Fire hazard if over heated Leaking Over heating Can overheat and catch fire
*Electric blankets create a magnetic field that penetrates about 6-7 inches into the body. Thus it is not surprising that an epidemiological study has linked electric blankets with miscarriages and childhood leukemia...more info
* Moist heat is used primarily for old and chronic injuries. It helps to loosen and relax sore muscles, tendons and ligaments, as well as increase blood flow to bring more red blood cells to the injury to facilitate healing.

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